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Простая проверка

Поддерживаемые простые проверки

В Zabbix 2 упростили (а точнее сделали более гибкой) простую проверку. Вот что предлагал Zabbix 1.8:

Ключ Описание
ftp_perf,<port> Checks if FTP server is running and accepting connections. 0 - FTP server is down. Otherwise, number of seconds spent connecting to FTP server.
ftp,<port> Checks if FTP server is running and accepting connections. 0 - FTP server is down. 1 - FTP server is running.
http_perf,<port> Checks if HTTP (WEB) server is running and accepting connections. 0 - HTTP server is down. Otherwise, number of seconds spent connecting to HTTP server.
http,<port> Checks if HTTP (WEB) server is running and accepting connections. 0 - HTTP server is down. 1 - HTTP server is running.
icmpping[<ip>,<count>,<interval>,<size>,<timeout>] Checks if server is accessible by ICMP ping. 0 - ICMP ping fails. 1 - ICMP ping successful. One of zabbix_server processes performs ICMP pings once per PingerFrequency seconds.
icmppingloss[<ip>,<count>,<interval>,<size>,<timeout>] Returns percentage of lost ICMP ping packets.
icmppingsec[<ip>,<count>,<interval>,<size>,<timeout>,<type>] Returns ICMP ping response time in seconds. Example: 0.02
imap_perf,<port> Checks if IMAP server is running and accepting connections. 0 - IMAP server is down. Otherwise, number of seconds spent connecting to IMAP server.
imap,<port> Checks if IMAP server is running and accepting connections. 0 - IMAP server is down. 1 - IMAP server is running.
ldap_perf,<port> Checks if LDAP server is running and accepting connections. 0 - LDAP server is down. Otherwise, number of seconds spent connecting to LDAP server.
ldap,<port> Checks if LDAP server is running and accepting connections. 0 - LDAP server is down. 1 - LDAP server is running.
nntp_perf,<port> Checks if NNTP server is running and accepting connections. 0 - NNTP server is down. Otherwise, number of seconds spent connecting to NNTP server.
nntp,<port> Checks if NNTP server is running and accepting connections. 0 - NNTP server is down. 1 - NNTP server is running.
ntp_perf,<port> Checks if NTP server is running and accepting connections. 0 - NTP server is down. Otherwise, number of seconds spent connecting to NTP server.
ntp,<port> Checks if NTP server is running and accepting connections. 0 - NTP server is down. 1 - NTP server is running.
pop_perf,<port> Checks if POP server is running and accepting connections. 0 - POP server is down. Otherwise, number of milliseconds spent connecting to POP server.
pop,<port> Checks if POP server is running and accepting connections. 0 - POP server is down. 1 - POP server is running.
smtp_perf,<port> Checks if SMTP server is running and accepting connections. 0 - SMTP server is down. Otherwise, number of seconds spent connecting to SMTP server.
smtp,<port> Checks if SMTP server is running and accepting connections. 0 - SMTP server is down. 1 - SMTP server is running.
ssh_perf,<port> Checks if SSH server is running and accepting connections. 0 - SSH server is down. Otherwise, number of seconds spent connecting to SSH server.
ssh,<port> Checks if SSH server is running and accepting connections. 0 - SSH server is down. 1 - SSH server is running.
tcp_perf,port Checks if TCP service is running and accepting connections on port. 0 - the service on the port is down. Otherwise, number of seconds spent connecting to TCP service.
tcp,port Checks if TCP service is running and accepting connections on port. 0 - the service on the port is down. 1 - the service is running.

Zabbix 2 теперь предлагает нам самостоятельно выбирать протокол (сервис) для проверки:

Ключ Описание
net.tcp.service.perf[service,<ip>,<port>] Check performance of service. 0 - service is down, sec - number of seconds spent on connection to the service. If <ip> is missing, IP or DNS name is taken from host definition. If <port> is missing, default service port is used.
net.tcp.service[service,<ip>,<port>] Check if service is available. 0 - service is down, 1 - service is running. If <ip> is missing, IP or DNS name is taken from host definition. If <port> is missing, default service port is used.

Примеры использования простых проверок:


ICMP пинг

Для обработки ICMP пинг Zabbix использует внешнюю утилиту fping.

Значения по умолчанию для параметров ICMP проверок:

ПараметрЗначение ОписаниеФлаг для fpingМинМакс
пакеты 3 пинг до заданной цели-c110000
интервал 25 миллисекунды, по умолчанию для «fping»-p20
размер 56 или 68байт, по умолчанию для «fping»; 56 байт в x86, 68 байт в x86_64-b2465507
время ожидания 500 миллисекунды, по умолчанию для «fping»-t50

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